Studio # (707) 935-5862
What's App/text # (707) 775-5068
721 W Napa Street, Sonoma 95476
Email: betty@sonomalikeithot.com

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Join us for a weekend of love, joy and passion
with one & only Kim Tang in Sonoma
October 14 - 15, 2023
Discover the transformative power of yoga with Kim Tang's workshop in Sonoma on the 14th - 15th of October. This is an opportunity to address deep-seated emotions, unravel pent-up frustrations, and release emotional blockages that may have been holding you back in the post COVID era. Through cultivating internal awareness, you'll connect with your soul's whispers, find solace, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose. Join us on this sacred journey towards emotional healing and unlock your full potential.
We have the following treats and delights in store for you with Kim over the weekend:
Saturday 14th October:
10:30am - 1pm Master Class I
2 - 6pm Master Playshop focus on standing series
7 - 8:15pm Yin & Nidra Yoga
Sunday 15th October:
10:30am - 1pm Master Class II
1pm - 5pm Master Playshop focus on floor series
6-7:15pm Meditation and alchemy of breath
Through cultivating internal awareness, you'll connect with your soul's whispers, find solace, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose. Join us on this sacred journey towards emotional healing and unlock your full potential.
Come play in the yoga room with Kim! This is the hardest fun you will have this year!! And by the way we love each and every one of you!
If you haven't experienced the magic of Kim's class yet... get ready for a treat and a trip to the most magical spaces in your mind, body and spirit! Here is a little about Kim in her own words:
"When I first discovered Yoga in 2003, a Fire was lit within me that has inspired me to inspire others, empowered me to empower others in their ability to expand and transform their minds, their bodies, their relationships with themselves, and the consciousness with which they conduct not only their practice, but their lives.
As I have come to Know that the body is a learning device for the Mind, I have worked wholeheartedly and passionately to do the work of asana to balance, open and strengthen the body, and through the body, the mind. I have therapeutically opened and strengthened my shoulders, my spine, my hips, knees, and ankles, my mind, my heart, and my life, executing what may be considered the most deep and complex asana in the history of all lineages.
I have been Student, Teacher, Studio Owner, Presenter, Demonstrator, 5 time California State Champion, on the National stage 6 times, and Nationally ranked, Head Coach and Judge for USA Yoga and the International Yoga Sports Federation. I have Coached countless yoga athletes comprehensively on Regional, National and International Stages. I’ve mentored and taught at Bikram Yoga Teacher Training as well as 2nd generation Trainings, and demonstrated the advanced series alongside Bikram, Emmy, International Champions, and many others for the new graduates of seven trainings, each with an audience of 300 to more than 450 people.
Now Teacher of Teachers of Teachers, I have expanded far beyond the 26, or even the 84, inviting the Wisdom of the ages, the Wisdom of multiple disciplines, and the Wisdom of all limbs of yoga as well as extensive Spiritual Sources in to my practice, my Consciousness, and my Heart. I Teach from the Knowing in my Tissues and my direct experience of having created some of the deepest and most complex postures “from scratch.” I understand how to use the modalities of the Mind and Connection to Breath to get there.
Through the Niyama of Self Study and Spiritual Study, Naturally, I have embodied and integrated numerous Spiritual Wisdom Teachings into my Being, and share mySelf in this way freely.
And as Self Cultivation Leads to Service, I’ve included the Transformational Magic of Breath Work in my Offering by becoming a Certified Breath Work Facilitator through Alchemy of Breath, as well as Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique made famous by Pioneer in the field of Past Life Regression, Delores Cannon.
As a Senior International Yoga Teacher and World Renowned Coach, Public Speaker, Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, Breath Work Facilitator, and QHHT Level 2 Practitioner, I lead Trainings and Seminars, Teach at Teacher Trainings, and hold Private Sessions, Spiritual Consults, Retreats at Yucca Shala, my Boutique Event Center for the Healing Arts and Spiritual Sciences , and WorldWide E-Learning / Online Courses. I am here to equip you, empower you, and to Support you in your Expansion! And by the way, I Love You!"